Anger, Boundaries, and Safety WorkShop
Few emotions are more feared than anger. While some use the fear associated with unsafe, unboundaried anger expression to control, others mitigate their lives by continually trying to avoid any hint of anger. With either approach, the emotional constriction, physical dis-ease, and relationship dysfunction that result are life diminishing. Anger is a natural feeling that exists in all of us and when expressed in a safe, boundaried manner is passionate, life enhancing, and relationship constructive.
This program is offered at The Haven, a beautiful resort with educational facilities on the shores of Gabriola Island just a 20 minute ferry ride from Nanaimo. Program participants stay at the resort and attend sessions at various times during the day leaving opportunities to explore the island and enjoy the many amenities of the Haven Resort. Free from many of the distractions of daily life, this type of learning environment is very concentrated and allows for a deeper level of personal exploration. For more information about The Haven, follow the link provided on this page or go to
Session Length:
Number of sessions:
Private 60 minute Session
Amidst life happening all around us, allowing yourself the time to talk about your challenges, fears, hopes and dreams and having a safe environment to express all your inner feelings, can be a very liberating experience. Sometimes simply having a place where you can speak openly and honestly is enough to create a positive internal shift. Other times, there may need to be some digging and ongoing plans to change unwanted patterns or work towards desired goals. Whichever the approach, a counsellor can help.
If you have an issue that you’d like to work on, we’ll start there. If there isn’t any one particular issue but more a pervasive theme that keeps re-emerging, then we’ll start there. Or perhaps you just don’t emotionally feel right, in which case we’ll start there. Using a variety of techniques, I am interested in working with you to explore your thoughts and feelings in an effort to help you feel better, think clearer, and passionately move on with your life.
Use email, phone, or the contact page to request.